Πώς να δέσω δάχτυλα για Brazilian jiujitsu.
Στο βίντεο αυτό, ως έμπειρος αθλητής και δάσκαλος στο Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, σας δείχνω την δική μου εκδοχή για το πώς να δέσετε σωστά τον αντίχειρα αν έχει τραυματιστεί και πρέπει να συνεχίσετε να προπονείστε. Αν και δεν είμαι γιατρός, μοιράζομαι τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιώ χρόνια στο άθλημα.
Θυμηθείτε, αν έχετε σοβαρό τραυματισμό, συμβουλευτείτε έναν ειδικό!
Ένα συναρπαστικό σεμινάριο στον κόσμο του Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu σας περιμένει!
Ετοιμαστείτε, καθώς το GRAPPLING SCHOOL THESSALONIKI παρουσιάζει με υπερηφάνεια ένα διήμερο σεμινάριο με καλεσμένο τον διακεκριμένο παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή από την CHECKMAT, Chico Mendes.
27 και 28 Νοεμβρίου 2023, στο Διεθνές Εκθεσιακό Κέντρο της Θεσσαλονίκης. Αυτή η εκδήλωση είναι ανοικτή σε όλους, ανεξαρτήτως ομάδας, γιατί πιστεύουμε στην ενότητα, ακόμη και όταν προσπαθούμε να πνίξουμε ο ένας τον άλλο!
Μείνετε συντονισμένοι για περισσότερες πληροφορίες που θα ακολουθήσουν σύντομα στο grapplingschool.gr.
Φτάστε τις δεξιότητές σας στο Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu σε άλλο επίπεδο σε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα σεμινάρια της χρονιάς! Σας περιμένουμε όλους!
Leg drag, a solo drill.
An other solo bjj drill from our Youtube channel this time regarding a very common guard pass, the leg drag.Grab a red chair or any chair with four legs and get drillin’. You can start slow focusing on the hand placement (grips) and the distance between you and the chair (opponent) as it is shown in the video!As you become more comfident with the technique you can go faster thus working on your cardio.
Solo bjj drills with a chair.
As the quarantine of 2020 was in full effect we wanted to make some videos showing ways that people could train at the safety of their homes with casual objects and improve their technique.Enough we said with the old workout circuits ,crossfit mixed with yoga,juggling kettlebells and all that mumbo jumbo that is circulating the interwebs.You can work on your strength all you want but you need jiujitsu for that skinny purple belt nerd that is crushing you on the mats.
Get your self a chair with legs -it doesnt have to be a good one- do a basic warm up until you develop a light sweat ,make sure you move your hips and legs and get drillin’.
How to break the collar grip in under 10 seconds.
Important disclaimer:
Ten seconds is never enough time to actually learn a new position or skill.The ten second mark besides the click bait appeal is just a way of saying ‘‘you’ll watch a quick thing here and after subscribing to our youtube channel you’ll run to your partner and drill it, no less than a 1.000 times’’ . Although accurate this isn’t a catchy title .
Many martial arts masters believe that to acquire a new skill and really get it under your skin you have to spend 10.000 hours on it.Which makes a lot of sense considering that in competition with all the stress, pressure and fatigue the only ‘‘weapons’’ you actually use are the things that you’ve been doing for many years.Those are your skills that are second nature to you ,that you’ve developed a muscle memory for, skills that you can perform with your eyes closed.
there are times when a new piece of information can stick to an old, pre-existing skill that we already use or have spent some time developing. For me that usually happens in a seminar that addresses a topic that i am already involved with. I try to use a position and fail only to go to a seminar or a class and see a little detail and all of a sudden the position seems more clear.
Say I ‘m playing half guard or experimenting with some new concepts about half guard ,which means that i’ve gotten my self into the position. Maybe i’ve seen some tutorials or instructionals or what not, maybe in a live rolling session suddenly i found myself in half guard . But the most important thing of all is that i’ve developed questions about the matter in hand . I’m not new to the idea of half guard, i just dont know enough to be proficient in using it.I’m in a place where i know the ‘‘dark corners’’ of the position, the areas that have no information about. Its the time that my mind is at its most ready to learn something and shed some light to the dark corners. Playing with something new and unknown opens up areas in your game that you’re sure you know nothing about…and believe me that is gold! Stirring your brain juice asking for answers is THE BEST way to open up new pockets that new ideas can fill.
This is where the ten second thing comes in place.A short, cute, digestible piece of information that will stick to the rest of your arsenal like toffee caramel on your teeth. If you found yourself in a grip fight in the academy or in competition and you didn’t know what to do ,if a person passes your guard or throws you down using a very crucial grip maybe its time you saw this video.